The Problem With Canadian Healthcare
While Canadian healthcare is cherished, it does not come without its issues. How can we make it better?
GSH Rant – Human-in-the-Loop
Artificial Intelligence paired with GetSkinHelp is how healthcare is becoming even more accessible, just like it should be.
GSH Rant – Why do we have to wait for healthcare?
GetSkinHelp is changing how healthcare happens. You shouldn’t have to wait months and months to see a doctor.
How Telemedicine is Changing in Ontario
New Ontario laws on telemedicine will have a dramatic impact on how Ontarians get medical attention. Learn…
What to expect at the Dermatologist
So you were able to #GetSkinHelp and now you’ve been booked for an appointment, that’s…
#StopWaiting and GetSkinHelp
We are very happy to share that the GetSkinHelp mobile app is now available to download on Android and Apple!
Valeria’s Story With Melanoma
Valeria is a mother of three and her journey with melanoma spanned the globe and is riddled with misdiagnoses, delays, and conflicts.
Listen to her story below.
Richard Shares His Journey with Jet Skiing and Lip Problems
Last week we got an email from Richard Brodlieb, a 70-year-old jet skier who had terribly damaged lips. He visited many different doctors, tried many different treatments, and even had two biopsies done. Nothing worked.
Why are GetSkinHelp Virtual Appointments Short?
You just had your virtual appointment with a GetSkinHelp licensed doctor, and you are wondering why it only lasted 5-10 minutes.
Prescriptions are Possible via Virtual Consults
Telemedicine is a relatively new thing and this post is meant to help you understand a little better how prescriptions are written and issued during a virtual consultation.