Richard Shares His Journey with Jet Skiing and Lip Problems


Photo by Steve Donoghue on Unsplash
(the rider is not Richard Brodlieb)

Every so often we receive letters from patients who tell us about their journey dealing with their skin health issues. And every so often, we like to share those letters (with permission, of course) to the public.

Last week we got an email from Richard Brodlieb, a 68-year-old jet skier who had terribly damaged lips. He visited many different doctors, tried many different treatments, and even had two biopsies done. Nothing worked.

Below is his story:

(Edited for clarity)
My name is Richard Brodlieb and I am one of Dr. Juthika Thakur’s patients. Please send her my thanks as she is the only doctor that has been able to help me.

Two and half years ago, I had a problem with my lips that required two biopsies and seven different creams that did not help whatsoever. I consulted with three specialists and suffered for many months. I then suggested to one of those specialists to prescribe me a high-dose of prednisone which seemed to work.

Unfortunately, six weeks ago my lip problems returned, and my general practitioner tried the same high-dose prednisone treatment once more, but without the same success as before.

She then referred me to Dr. Thakur via GetSkinHelp. I explained to her the seven different steroid creams I used in the past and how they made the problem worse. I wanted Dr. Thakur to give me an even higher dose of prednisone, but instead she asked if I would be willing to try a compound medication for one week. We agreed that if it didn’t work, we’d go with the higher-dose prednisone.

In three days, my lips were back to normal! It was a miracle!

I am sending this email because of how badly I was suffering and how quickly she cured me. It was a pleasure to connect with her, and to me she is a True Healer.

Thank you sincerely,
Richard Brodlieb

Stories like Richard’s are a constant reminder that skin problems manifest themselves in countless ways. Each can be insanely painful, and the search for a cure can be exhausting.

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