Our Story​

our story

Pandemic Beginnings

GetSkinHelp found its footing amid the Spring 2020 lockdown, when Dr. Colin Hong saw a surge in people coming in for skin cancer. Teaming up with entrepreneur, Keith Loo, the two began planning how to help patients right from their own homes.

From there, what started simply as an online skin cancer screening tool, has quickly amassed to become a company that covers a variety of skin conditions.

Connecting patients to doctors

One of the main issues in Canadian healthcare is the difficulty in finding a doctor and the long wait times to make an appointment. Tackling this issue, Dr. Hong and Keith created GetSkinHelp as a way for patients to easily access doctors without the frustrations of traditional healthcare avenues.

We aim to make finding physicians a quick and smooth process. All accessible from the comfort of your own home.

our story
our story

We’ll take care of you, So you don’t have to​

We understand the struggle of extreme wait times when it comes to finding a physician or dermatologist and don’t want the same for you. Our goal is to provide you with the answers and solutions you need to keep your skin healthy. We’ll be with you every step of the way.

We’re here to get you the help you need quickly and reliably!

“I highly recommend Get Skin Help. It is so easy to use, and helping to stop the long wait times for Canadians! I am forever grateful.”

– Belinda Brown (GetSkinHelp Patient)


What patients have to say