Digital Health vs Telemedicine
Due to the evolving nature of technology in healthcare, terms such as digital health and telemedicine are often used interchangeably when in fact they have different meanings.
How the GetSkinHelp AI Works
GetSkinHelp has created an Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool that can screen, with 88% accuracy, a selection of skin diseases, including four types of skin cancers
Aging and your Skin
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Maria’s Story – Part 7: The Epilogue
This story is not meant to be an indictment against the Canadian Healthcare System.
Maria’s Story – Part 6: Heavenly Choir
Call it Karma. Call it Divine Intervention. Call it what you will, but on December 15th Maria’s luck kicked into hyperdrive.
Maria’s Story – Part 5: Plan B
For months she let the system control her health, but now that she knew the stakes, she decided to take control of her health.
Maria’s Story – Part 4: Bureaucracy
December 3 finally arrived, and Maria is bracing herself to hear the results of her biopsy.
Maria’s Story – Part 3: Delays
A small sore appeared on the bump. It was dry and featured a crusty gap in the middle. Slowly, alarm bells began to ring.
Maria’s Story – Part 1: The Bump
The origin story of any skin cancer diagnosis typically begins like this:
“Hmph. I wonder what that is?” and is usually followed by “Do you think I should get it checked out?”
Maria’s Story – Timeline of Events
In 2020, Maria was met with a life altering medical diagnosis.
Skin cancer.