Stories and Articles about Skin and Healthcare
Learn how you can navigate the waters of Canadian healthcare by reading stories and articles from our team, patients, and doctors!
New Ontario laws on telemedicine will have a dramatic impact on how Ontarians get medical attention. Learn...
So you were able to #GetSkinHelp and now you’ve been booked for an appointment, that’s...
We are very happy to share that the GetSkinHelp mobile app is now available to download on Android and Apple!
Valeria is a mother of three and her journey with melanoma spanned the globe and is riddled with misdiagnoses, delays, and conflicts. Listen to her story below.
November is here and the earthy smell of grass and the warm touch of the sun are all but gone in Canada. But soon, they will returns. And when they do the bittersweet reality of those moments of that reality need to be acknowledged:
Each province and territory determines their own coverage under the Canada Health Act and each provincial health insurance plan is supplemented through federal transfers.
Patient Stories
Read stories about how our patients were able to get the right care.
One suspicious mole and a screening that saved her life
Belle Bowen is a melanoma advocate who recorded herself using GetSkinHelp, and it saved her life.
But soon, they will returns. And when they do the bittersweet reality of those moments of that reality need to be acknowledged: