The Turmoil of Hormonal Acne: A Personal Struggle
One of the most challenging periods in life is adolescence. During this time, everyone fixates on…
GetSkinHelp Interns Share Their Skin Experiences
GetSkinHelp interns discuss how the three most common types of skin conditions affected their teenage years.
Valeria’s Story With Melanoma
Valeria is a mother of three and her journey with melanoma spanned the globe and is riddled with misdiagnoses, delays, and conflicts.
Listen to her story below.
Richard Shares His Journey with Jet Skiing and Lip Problems
Last week we got an email from Richard Brodlieb, a 70-year-old jet skier who had terribly damaged lips. He visited many different doctors, tried many different treatments, and even had two biopsies done. Nothing worked.
Father Ed Shares his Journey with Melanoma
In my rural area of Southern Ontario, there is a scarcity of dermatologists / plastic surgeons, so when I became aware of a rapidly-growing, ugly-looking lesion on my left temple, I began searching for skin specialists over the internet—which is where I discovered you and your team.
Maria’s Story – Part 7: The Epilogue
This story is not meant to be an indictment against the Canadian Healthcare System.
Maria’s Story – Part 6: Heavenly Choir
Call it Karma. Call it Divine Intervention. Call it what you will, but on December 15th Maria’s luck kicked into hyperdrive.
Maria’s Story – Part 5: Plan B
For months she let the system control her health, but now that she knew the stakes, she decided to take control of her health.
Maria’s Story – Part 4: Bureaucracy
December 3 finally arrived, and Maria is bracing herself to hear the results of her biopsy.
Maria’s Story – Part 3: Delays
A small sore appeared on the bump. It was dry and featured a crusty gap in the middle. Slowly, alarm bells began to ring.