Stories and Articles about Skin and Healthcare

Learn how you can navigate the waters of Canadian healthcare by reading stories and articles from our team, patients, and doctors! 



You just had your virtual appointment with a GetSkinHelp licensed doctor, and you are wondering why it only lasted 5-10 minutes.

Much like any visit to the doctor’s office, filling out a detailed medical history on GetSkinHelp is necessary for the doctor to get a better understanding of your health.

In my rural area of Southern Ontario, there is a scarcity of dermatologists / plastic surgeons, so when I became aware of a rapidly-growing, ugly-looking lesion on my left temple, I began searching for skin specialists over the internet—which is where I discovered you and your team.

Telemedicine is a relatively new thing and this post is meant to help you understand a little better how prescriptions are written and issued during a virtual consultation. 

Due to the evolving nature of technology in healthcare, terms such as digital health and telemedicine are often used interchangeably when in fact they have different meanings.

GetSkinHelp has created an Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool that can screen, with 88% accuracy, a selection of skin diseases, including four types of skin cancers

Patient Stories

Read stories about how our patients were able to get the right care.

One suspicious mole and a screening that saved her life

Belle Bowen is a melanoma advocate who recorded herself using GetSkinHelp, and it saved her life.

But soon, they will returns. And when they do the bittersweet reality of those moments of that reality need to be acknowledged:

Valeria’s journey with melanoma

Valeria is a mother of three and her journey with melanoma spanned the globe and is riddled with misdiagnoses, delays, and conflicts.

But soon, they will returns. And when they do the bittersweet reality of those moments of that reality need to be acknowledged: