According to the Canadian Public Health Agency, skin cancer has been increasing at a fairly constant rate in Canada over the past 30 years. And according to the Canadian Skin Cancer Foundation, there are more new cases of skin cancer each year than the number of prostate, lung, breast, and colon cancers combined.
Aside from using sunblock and covering our bodies, screening is the next best option to prevent skin cancer and its complications (disfigurement, bleeding, infections, and in some cases, even death).
That is why we created
Not only can it take weeks, sometimes months, to see a doctor, but it can be a terrible hassle. Coupled with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we wanted to make it easier for Canadians to get quick and professional skin cancer screening without risking a visit to a hospital or clinic.
Our team is made up of doctors, artificial intelligence technologists, and privacy advocates who are all committed to revolutionizing skin cancer screening in Canada.
Click here and schedule your screening today!
Because of new laws in Ontario, a doctor’s referral is required to use our service, however, with a referral our service is free and covered by OHIP and private insurance. After making an appointment, you will be connected with a nurse practitioner within 24-72 hours for your appointment.
Don’t let that little bump grow into a big problem. GetSkinHelp today.