Skin cancer is no joke

Download the GetSkinHelp mobile app and let us help you keep track and assess your suspicious moles.

Get The App

Fast. Convenient. Reliable.


Appointments within 14 days

No more waiting months and months.

Speech Bubble

Video consultations with doctors

No more taking an afternoon off to speak with a doctor.

Clipboard Icon

Covered by OHIP

No out-of-pocket costs for medically necessary procedures.

Unsure about a
Mole or Blemish?

Assess it with SkinAI™ and get it check out by one of our Skin specialists hassle-free within the app, no referrals required

The GetSkinHelp mobile app is in public beta.
Please send us your feedback as we continue to improve the user experience and build new features.


SkinAI™ technology

Our patent-pending technology can pre-screen for skin cancers with 88% accuracy!

  • Basal cell carcinoma​
  • Benign keratosis-like​
  • Dermatofibroma
  • Dysplastic nevus​
  • Melanoma​
  • Benign mole​
  • Squamous cell carcinoma​
  • Vascular lesions​
SkinAI Phone app

Catch skin cancer in its early stages!